Frequently Kept Secrets


I believe kids should have their own sacred spaces. Here are a few of mine:

  • Growing up we had a blanket closet at the end of the hall that was just my size. Because there were so many kids in our family, I was a little starved for attention. Often I would declare I was leaving the family and hide in the closet. I’d come out a few minutes later and alas, no one had gone looking for me. One time I was determined to stay so long, they’d have to miss me. I ended up falling asleep and woke up to a police officer’s light shining in my eyes.

  • We had a trampoline that was old and worn and bouncy. It also was primarily the kid domain--neither of my parents were interested in bum wars or add-on or other trampoline games. My sister Katy and I would sometimes sleep out on the tramp but only if we got one of our teenage brothers to do it with us--that was the rule. One time we convinced my brother Dad to do it. Katy and I woke up in the middle of the night because it was cold and went inside, leaving Dan behind. In the morning when he woke up, he was covered in snow!

  • My room was always a mess but it was my mess and I loved it. It was so messy that when Halloween came around, I’d close my eyes, spin around and throw handfuls of candy. This guaranteed I’d be finding tootsie rolls and peanut butter cups for weeks.


I play sports. Not all of them. Read to find out which ones have been in my life and which ones will never ever be in my life.

  • basketball, softball, soccer, track, swim team, dance, skiing, snowboarding.

  • synchornized swimming, pickleball, mountain biking, road biking, rock climbing, backpacking, paddleboarding, wave surfing, hiking, cross country skiing.

  • speed walking.


There is mention of candy in all of my books. I think this is because candy feels like the best part of my childhood. Shhh.

  • We used to walk to Minute Man gas station and buy Tootie Frooties and Sixlets and Fruit Stripe Gum and frozen lemonades when we found spare change.

  • Some neighborhood boys would follow me after school and chant, “Follow Ann Dee, then steal her candy.”

  • One time I got a jaw breaker as big as a bowling ball. I licked it every day. And yes, my dentist was concerned.

  • My mom was my best person and she hid chocolate all over the house. Just saying.